We are Friends and Former Missionaries who have served around the world, seen the needs, worked with those who stayed, and continued to work alongside of many individuals and groups to share life and share faith. We come from a variety of backgrounds with one goal: to do our part to help others.
Since 2006 we have collected and sent funds, resources, and materials to Christian missionaries around the world in order to help them more effectively impact their communities and the people around them.
This year we focused on those affected by the Covid Virus: Sent support to a couple working through schools in Nicaragua, providing education for children and care to families affected by Covid in Nicaragua. Assisted missionaries who have been pastoring healthcare workers on front line of Covid in Mexico.
We were grateful to be able to assist a young teacher and missionary, who moved to Tijuana, Mexico to help with a church plant. She helped setup and teach at the church organized Bible School, translate the Sunday morning message, and lead short term missions teams into TJ to learn the culture, and actively share their Faith.
See full postSupport was sent for an individual to participate in a Medical Missions Trip to Haiti. The team was able to provided free medical care to small villages in Haiti working with a group from local church. Their impact on the people of Haiti will last for years to come, as well as the impact on the lives of those who participated and saw firsthand the needs and the grateful hearts.
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