As missionaries come home to raise support to go back, our hearts have been touched to ask, "Lord, is there more we can do to help them do their job well? "

It started when a couple friends had seen first hand the spiritual and practical needs of servants who were reaching out to help others and we wanted to make a difference in our own small way. The intention was to stay out of the spot light and provide a way for people to give quietly.

Together, we can give them sufficient tools they need to be encouraged, energized, and effective in reaching those around them. Maybe some of us can't go but, while we can pray, we can give. If God is directing you to join us in finding the unnoticed needs, together we can make an even greater impact.

Ninety-eight percent of our donations go directly to missionaries and projects of those working in underprivileged areas. Only two percent goes to operations, our staff is entirely volunteer based.

You can help us by remembering those serving in countries around the world and giving as God directs you. This is how we can continue to give generously and directly to those in need.

      If you would like to help Missionaries, but are not sure who, or how, or where, let us know by using our Contactpage

What we focus on

Needs We Support

When people are going hungry and need a way to feed thier family
When people are in of medical help or hospitals need supplies to care for patients
When things like coats and shoes are in lack we help  
Crisis care
When disaster strikes and people and churches need support
When children and young adults need help with everyday school supplies
When missionaries and local churches need support
Help Us Meet the Needs of Our World
There is a chance today to share God's love with those in need.
Give now